Pics and info


The House that Jack Built

The House that Jack Built from across Freddy’s Dam in autumn

Spring view – Clematis at the front door and the Cottage Garden

Much of the interior woodwork is Sequoia – American Redwood

The ladder has deep treads and extends way up, so that you step comfortably side-ways on and off it. Most of the wood you see here is Sequoia, including the ladder.


Croft Cottage – recently renovated from a century old farm building

Simple, old-fashioned charm is the Croft Cottage theme

A backdrop of trees and a century-old barn flank Croft Cottage.

A stoep to dream on.

An old-fashioned kitchen dresser sets the mood.

The Plett:

The 2nd roof over The Plett will not only keep it in mint condition for another 20 years, it is also now much cooler in summer. Soon the huge pergola will be covered in creepers.

Although compact, The Plett is a neat and comfortable base from which to explore Sequoia Gardens and ‘The Mountain’!

The garden: four seasons, many moods

No matter how hard I try, azaleas in spring is what people come to see in my garden

But the gardens do not look too shabby at other times


My favourite season is autumn, and I’ve been told that in a good year we compare with the best in the world…

Winter has a charm all of its own and is definitely not a dead season…

Summer brings a period of calm…

… well, perhaps ‘calm’ is not always quite the right word…

Nothing, however, beats the drama of autumn

a summer that references all that is golden in gardening

and a no-holds-barred, in your face, take it with salt on your thumb and a lemon wedge afterwards autumn! AMEN

If you would like to see more of Sequoa Gardens during a specific month (or according to a specfic theme), do a search. You will find the ‘search’ button on the right hand column in line with the first picture above, just above ‘Categories’ (which you can also use as a way of searching my blog.) Enjoy!