MORE EXPERIMENTS WITH PICASA: a not-so-rhapsodic look at ‘Rhapsody in Blue’

Uploaded and reduced by browser above and reduced by me to fit and uploaded via browser below

And below I reduced it to 510 width, the max for my theme, and then uploaded via Picasa Web Album.

First things last: the original upload was cropped by Picasa (to the equivalent of 560 on the original, so not relating to the 510 max). As my dad would note to himself in the margin: NBG – no bloody good!

Yesterday I loaded pics of different sizes to check for quality, and they were all cropped equally. Today I had to reduce the pic to 510 to stop Picasa from cropping it, with a definite drop in quality resulting. Does anybody have any suggestions as to why Picasa is choosing to crop my pics? Anyone else on WordPress having this problem?

4 thoughts on “MORE EXPERIMENTS WITH PICASA: a not-so-rhapsodic look at ‘Rhapsody in Blue’

  1. Hi, I think I might be able to help. I went through a lot of frustration before I got things working satisfactorily.

    When you say Picasa, are you referring to downloaded on your computer 3.6 Picasa or are you referring to Picasa Web Albums website?

    If you’re posting your photos from Picasa website to your blog, there is a feature that allows you to size your photos: either thumbnail, 400 or 800. I use 800 on my blog. I can show you how to do this but I’m not sure it’s what you’re interested in so let me know…

    • Thanks so much, Grace!
      It IS the use of the Picasa Web Albums that I’m battling with. I upload successfully. I did one photo in 3 sizes, all reduced in my editing program. However when I imported them to my blog from the Web Album they were all cropped, and by the same amount, but quality differed.
      I didn’t see a sizing icon on PWA. I opened the photos on PWA, then copied and pasted them. Perhaps that is where I made my mistake. I also didn’t see uploaded sizes on PWA, so I’m not certain if they’d been adjusted in the process. When I reduced the pic to 510 (my blog max) before uploading to PWA, it wasn’t cropped, but the quality was disappointing. I’d appreciate your help – many thanks! Jack

  2. I will follow your progress with interest. Yesterday got the photos to 300 Kb, added the watermark, and now they are down to 100 Kb. WHY??

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